Taking the wrong assumption? This is very abashed. Actually I was so embarrassed about this incident. I think many people will laugh when they know it.
One day my brother and I were watching television at home. suddenly there were many people brought many chairs from my neighbor's house and I saw it. At that moment I was afraid and I said to my father about this incident. My father run and said, "Thief...thief...thief.... catch them!" but suddenly he stopped. In fact the people were not thieves because one of them is my uncle. My father said to me, "Oh ... no Hen, He is your uncle. it is terrible".
After that my father chatted with my uncle. I was so embarrassed to them. I was not brave to go out. Then my father talked to me. I just laughed and was afraid. My mother laughed after listening this story and she told me, "That is funny, Henny".
When I meet my uncle, I feel shy to him because I always remember this incident. I hope my uncle forget it and I will not be shy anymore.
This experience was so funny in my life. I take the wrong assumption about someone whom I called as a thief. May be because of night, I could not see clearly. I always remember it and I do not forget it. I think this experience can be a lesson for me.