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Learning English text in narrative, news item, descriptive, spoof, hortatory, review, and other types with generic structure and language features
Types of Text

tips for speed readingUnderstanding text means how well we read the text. The concept of reading, shortly can be define as interpreting orally of the language which is written.

There are several kind of text functionally used in our daily activities. The text can be for several purposes; informing, entertaining, technically directing, exposing, instrumenting, debating, narrating, and other purposes. The reading material can vary from book, magazine, news paper, cooking recipes, medicine recept, furniture installation, gadget manual guide, or simply yellow book

There should be slightly different technique when reading such different type of the written language. Practically, the way we read any text or written language is using one or mixed way from several kind of reading techniques. They are can be what we call preview, question, take a not, summarize, review and reflect, scanning skimming and others.

Whatever the technique and strategies we use for reading, remember that we need the the process of reading in very fast way. That's for all, we are going to discus how we can get reading process in very effective and efficient way. In next post series, we will show you how we can practice to read fast. That is SPEED READING TIPS..


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